Just about this time last year my brother and I treated each other to an afternoon at Thomas Keller's restaurant, Per Se. The meal was beyond amazing and after many hours we finally hit upon the very last dessert course. It was a silver tray full of chocolates. But not just any chocolates. Chocolates filled with some of the most interesting and un-chocolate like ingredients. We each bit into the same chocolate and made that uncontrollable "ummmmm" sound. "What is this?" I asked my brother. It was sort of floral and earthy. Sort of mysterious. He had no idea. So we called over our waitperson. With a big smile, she said "That would be curry."
And at that moment I vowed to one day make my own curry chocolate. And of course I still haven't gotten around to it. But since then I have kept curry high on my list of ingredients to try in a cupcake. Because it is so unexpected in a dessert yet so incredible. And last weekend I finally made my dream come true.
I had a party to go to and I was going to make cupcakes. These were all of my closest friends so I thought this was the perfect occasion to try out the curry experiment. Because if it was an epic fail, they would still eat my goodies again!
I thought of a few ways to use curry in my cupcake but kept coming back to my friend Danielle's answer to my question regarding people's favorite spice, fruit and crunchy food. Her reply was curry, banana, pretzel. Inspired by Danielle's favorite foods, I made a curry cupcake with banana buttercream topped with pretzel brittle.
Think back to the most unexpected thing you ever ate. Can you put it in a cupcake?
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